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Because we really believe that more kids would enjoy considering the geometric possibilities and quandries of how to install a small network of streets in a small space while maximizing fun biking possibilities, we created this set of unique tabletop and outdoor traffic garden activities. Kids can practice being designers of their own traffic garden using the design sheets and street cut outs to figure out their options. They can take it outside with stencils and 8-page guide that includes tips and layouts for installing their own traffic garden. Depending on their age and enthusiasm, they may need some adult assistance but this makes a great family or neighborhood project that can go from indoor tabletop activity to outdoor physical engagement. Everything listed is contained in a 12" x 18" x 3" kraft cardboard box.

The Mini-DIY Traffic Garden Kit contains:

  • Traffic Garden Crafts Box (6" x 6" x 2" box) 
  • Traffic Garden Designer Lifetime Membership card (2.75" x 4.25")
  • Roadway tape (1.75" wide, washi)
  • Roadway tape (0.5" wide, washi)
  • Roadway sign stickers (4" x 6")
  • Traffic garden mini-notebook (4.25" x 5.5", B&W, 4)
  • Vehicle stickers + glue stick
  • Sidewalk Chalk Sign Stencil Set ( 3 x 7" x 7", stop, yield, square sign)
  • STEM Design Set: drawing sheets (11" x 17" +8.5" x 11"), street cut-outs 
  • DIY Traffic Garden Guide (8-page, wirebound) 

Sidewalk chalk is not included! Limitless design possibilities in a small space.

Mini-DIY Traffic Garden Kit

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